I love sports. I love to watch them, play them with friends, collect memorabilia, talk about them, and even play their video games. Since as early as I can remember, sports have played an integral part of my life and who I am. I feel it's very important that you know this before we begin.
Why start a sports blog? I'm not getting paid for it ... I'm not a professional athlete or writer with an agenda ... and I certainly wasn't a journalism major in school. Well, the answer is actually quite simple: I needed a forum to express my opinions and thoughts other than my Facebook status updates. This blog is really just an outlet for me. Think of it as an open diary of sorts, only everything is about sports instead of the cute girl sitting in front of me in math class.
Now, don't get me wrong, I certainly hope people read my posts. My posts are sure to be opinionated, controversial, and sometimes outrageous. I hope you laugh, cry, scratch your head, get angry, do a dance, and are thoroughly entertained. You are more than welcome to make comments and express your feelings, provided they are respectful and language-appropriate. I'll even welcome guest bloggers! I want to hear from you, and I would love open dialogue. But at the end of the day, I'm still going to keep writing, even if the only one who reads what I write is my Mom.
For those of you who only want to read my commentary on sports you care about, I'll go ahead and put the subject of the sport in the title of each entry for you so that you know what to expect. And if you're like me and love all sports, you can just skip the title and get straight to the good stuff.
To close out this opening post, I need to give kudos to the inspiration behind this blog: Ben Couch. Ben is a fraternity brother, former college roommate, fellow sports nut, and a writer for the Brooklyn Nets. I've been following his writing for almost 10 years and he has made me appreciate the beauty of words in describing sports. Check out his work, it's good: View From Couch
That's about it for now. Come along for the ride, should be interesting.
Play Ball!
- Fishy
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